N95 Masks in the Australian Workplace
In Australia, N95 masks Australia are a type of respirator that provides a high level of protection by filtering out at least 95% of airborne particles. An N95 mask is also sometimes referred to as a P2 filter or mask in Australia. N95 masks are common in the healthcare and construction industries for those workers that are potentially exposed to airborne particles and infectious diseases such as COVID-19, asbestos or silica.
Types of N95 masks in Australia
Disposable Filtering Facepiece Masks
A Filtering Facepiece Mask (FFP) is a type of N95 mask designed to protect the user from inhaling airborne particles, such as COVID-19, dust or Asbestos. This style of N95 mask are commonly used in Australian Healthcare settings and for the short-term. They are often designed with a wire nose to allow the user to mould the nose to achieve a better seal. An FFP needs to be disposed of after use.

Elastomeric (Reusable) Masks
An Elastomeric Mask is a reusable mask that can be fitted with an N95/P2 filter to provide protection against airborne particles. An Elastomeric mask uses replaceable filters so filters that can protect against vapours and gases can also be used to protect against many different hazards in a workplace. This style of N95 masks are commonly used in Construction industries in Australia.
Advantages and disadvantages of Disposable n95 Masks in Australia
Name | Advantages | Disadvantages |
FFP Disposable N95 masks |
– lightweight and easier to communicate in than other RPE – More convenient – can be easily disposed of after use |
– lightweight so can shift on the users face easier – limited use against gases and vapours – not designed for long term wear |
Half face reusable N95 masks |
– can be fitted with different filters for use against gases and vapours – durable – More cost effective is Maintained and stored correctly
– communication can become difficult – requires the mask to be correctly stored and maintained. – can be heavier on the users face |
The importance of Fit Testing N95 Masks for Australian Workplaces
The effectiveness of N95 masks relies on establishing a proper seal between the wearer’s skin and the respirator. Given that face sizes and shapes differ among individuals, it is unlikely that a single model or size will fit everyone perfectly. Fit testing is a process used to ensure that a specific model and size of a tight-fitting face piece aligns well with the wearer’s facial features and provides an adequate seal.
AS/NZS 1715:2009 and AS/NZS ISO 16975.3:2023 standard states that any worker wearing a tight fitting respirator so an N95 Mask in Australia must be fit tested before first wearing the Mask and then every year after that. It is important workers keep up to date with their Fit Test to ensure the N95 mask is still providing an adequate seal.