WorkSafe OHS Essentials
Free Safety Consultation for Small and Medium Businesses
In conjunction with WorkSafe Victoria, Eva & Associates is excited to provide a FREE safety consultancy for your business. The program includes initial and follow-up visits from one of our experienced safety consultants who will tailor a safety action plan specific to your business.
What is involved?
- Our consultants will spend time learning about your business and the existing safety procedures in place. We will then take a look around the workplace to identify any potential safety hazards before creating a detailed safety management plan to minimize these risks.
- Our consultants will organise a follow-up visit for your workplace in which they can track the progress of procedures that have been put into place.
So is my business eligible?
The program is open to both small and medium sized businesses based in Victoria. Businesses must have a WorkCover insurance policy.
- Small businesses: Less than 20 employees or $1m in remuneration.
- Medium businesses: Less than 200 employees or $20m in remuneration.
Note: Sole traders with contractors may also be eligible to apply but must hold a WorkCover insurance policy.
If your business qualifies, complete the form below and we will be in contact with you as soon as possible. Alternatively you can give us a call on (03) 9563 2234.