Covid-19 Services
Covid-19 exposure risk assessments/management plans
Managers, with the support of an occupational health and safety advisor, should carry out risk assessments to determine the potential of exposure risk within their workplace in order to be able to identify the best preventive measures.
Eva and Associates are able to assess the exposure risk of your workplace based on considerations such as the environment (for example, how this affects the workers’ ability to socially distance), the availability of PPE, contact with external personnel, identification of high touch areas and safe ventilation for building re-occupancy.
Following the risk assessment, Eva and Associates are able to provide management plans to reduce the exposure risk within your workplace.
Respiratory Protective Equipment – Fit Testing
The use of personal protective equipment such as respirators can help reduce the risk of transmitting infectious diseases such as COVID-19. The current pandemic has seen an increase in the use of respiratory masks, however, in order for these masks to be effective it is vital they are fitted correctly.
Respirator fit testing is essential to ensure that the respiratory protective equipment is providing an effective barrier from harmful contaminants in the air, including infectious diseases. An effectively fitted mask ensures the seal is maintained between the respiratory protective equipment and the wearer’s face, regardless of head position or movement.
We are able to provide in-house respirator fit testing. On-site respirator fit testing is available for larger groups.
COVID-19 Sanitisation Assessments
Employers have an obligation to manage the health and safety risks posed by the Covid-19 virus as far as reasonably practicable. Some sites may require thorough decontamination of work areas should an employee within the workplace return a positive Covid-19 test result, or simply to ensure high traffic areas such as elevators, walkways, shared vehicles, etc, are appropriately sanitised each day as part of proactive disinfection.
Eva and Associates are able to provide visual inspections and surface testing to verify the effectiveness of decontamination using either specific SARS-CoV-2 test kits, or otherwise fluorometer or luminometer technology.
The Mycometer Bactiquant (Fluorometer) and the 3M CleanTrace ATP (Luminometer) do not directly determine viral loading of surfaces, but instead provide surrogate results by measuring other biological material. The 3M CleanTrace ATP (Luminometer), for example, can test for human cellular material such as epithelium from mucous membranes in the mouth or throat, which would indicate the surface had been coughed on, while the Mycometer (Fluorometer) is able to give an indication of bacteria on surfaces. These results can be used to decide which areas need more attention in the sanitation regime.
Specific surface testing for the presence of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) can also be conducted.
COVID-19 Building Ventilation Assessments
Employers have an obligation to ensure adequate fresh air ventilation of all occupied workspaces. Eva & Associates can inspect your workplace and assess ventilation aspects to ensure airborne transmission risks are minimised.
Services include:
- Inspection of HVAC System
- Building design and internal airflows
- Airflow velocity measurements
- Trace gas analysis with portable FTIR to determine dilution ratios
- Monitoring of CO2 levels and other IAQ parameters
Please contact us on (03) 9563 2234 or send us an email at for more information.